AmigaOS3.5 (154/967)

From:Colin Wenzel
Date:4 May 2000 at 05:14:02
Subject:Re: CacheCDFS bug...

I have discovered a rather nasty bug with my
CacheCDFS setup.

I dropped a CD with about 200Meg of Amiga files on it,
onto one of my partitions so that I can refer to it, rather than
having to drag the cd out everytime I wanted to lookup something.
(The cd was the lastest Developer CD v2.1)

After the 1st *HOUR*, I came back & it was still copying it to the
UW/SCSI 2.2Gig Quantum drive on my CSMKIII,

The mouse pointer was jerking & the machine seemed to be
grinding right to a halt....

I had just enough CPU time left to pop up a shell & run XOPER.

The CD0 task was chewing 99% of the CPU time......

I aborted it & started it again, all seemed well until about
5 minutes in, then the task time starts to climb up again
and the file copying slowed down.

An interesting note:

Issueing a DISKCHANGE signal (using diskchange CD0:)
Causes it to immediately resume normal operation
WITHOUT causing a requester to pop up or copy to fail.

After 5 minutes it starts chewing task time again,
doing another *diskchange CD0:* fixes it again...

I still has 100Mb of ram free when this happened...
The drive was only 50% full & it also does it on the
4000T's normal scsi bus too.....

Colin Wenzel. Australia.

ICQ: 17608330
AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
OS 3.5, EGS Spectrum.

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